Fitness HRV

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Release Site for Fitness HRV Applications


10 January 2024

v0.32 Update

by Stuart Lynne


The v0.32 release of Fitness Dashboard is finally out.

This has several new major features:


Going forward these are the areas I’m targeting:

FIT Files

There is a separate Python command line utility, fitextract, that can extract any and all workout data from FIT files. See Git Archive for fitextract.

Faster Graphics

This was an interesting digression.

There are two separate issues with Matplotlib graphing.

Solving the interactive plotting requires using blitting but only partially solves the problem. The other issue is that while some of the plots need to be updated for every draw (lines, and updated numbers) other parts like the axis ticks, labels, and legends only need to be updated occasionally if they change.

The second issue means that when drawing the GUI needs to be able to process events every 100mS.

For anyone interested in the gory details see Git Archive for drawanimated.
